Use a Grain Sampler to Minimize Your Post-Harvest Loss

After you spent so many hours planting your crop in the fields, spraying them and hoping for good weather so your investment will grow, you want to make sure you don’t lose your harvest because it was stored with too much moisture content. Post-harvest losses are costly and in many instances they can be prevented. […]
Select the right silage moisture tester

Selecting the right silage moisture tester is not a job to be taken lightly. Many important factors ride on the accuracy of your tester. Harvest optimization can only be peaked if crops are harvested at the right stage of maturity and stored at the proper moisture content. Too much moisture promotes the growth of fungi. Excess moisture […]
Use a Hay Probe to Ensure Safe Storage

Cutting and baling hay for storage or sale is a messy, rough, and time consuming process. At the mercy of Mother Nature we are sometimes pressured into putting hay up a little moister than usual, but beware, there are many dangers associated with overly damp hay and forage. The storage of wet hay is the […]