Soil Samplers


The Seedburo Soil Samplers draw a soil core approximately 1″ in diameter using a tapered cutting tip. This enables the core to rise in the tube without breakage as the sampler is pushed into the soil. Both the cutting tip and the tube are heat-treated to increase rigidity and strength of the probe.



The Seedburo Soil Samplers draw a soil core approximately 1″ in diameter using a tapered cutting tip. This enables the core to rise in the tube without breakage as the sampler is pushed into the soil. Both the cutting tip and the tube are heat-treated to increase rigidity and strength of the probe. This keeps the cutting edge from bending when hitting hard objects. Each probe is supplied with a replaceable, screw-on cutting tip (S-2).

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 2 × 10 in

19", 36"


Yes, No

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